About Peak Scholars

Focusing on the whole student

What is Peak Scholars? 

PEAK SCHOLARS is an academic mentorship company that builds fundamentally stronger and happier students by focusing on life skill development, experience, self-awareness, and resourcefulness. We offer one-on-one academic coaching and tutoring, life skills classes and workshops, and editorial services to the Metrowest community. By holistically strengthening skills, students increase grade performance, productivity, and self-confidence while lessening stress and bad habits.

Peak Scholars’ Four Principles


Skill Development    |    Experience   |    Self Awareness   |  Resourcefulness

“Invest in skills.”

Life Skill Development

Benefits? Less stress, increased productivity, better grades, effective studying, stronger verbal presence, increased confidence, focused direction, and action plans

Time management, Study skills, Organization, Communication, Presentation Skills, Networking, Interviewing, Resume, Future Mapping skills

Why? Successful students develop life skills to handle large volumes of information, avoid distraction, manage stress, learn effectively, prioritize and start tasks in order to thrive academically and professionally.

“Gain Experience.”


Benefits? Resume building, Involvement, Acquire skills, Get out of comfort zone, Personal growth, Leadership opportunities, Curiosity, Maturity, and Responsibility

Shadowing, internships, employment, enrichment programs, traveling and study abroad, volunteering

Why? In Today’s job market, experience is king. Early hands-on experience helps students reveal their potential and show off their skills to colleges as well as future employers.

“Always ask why.”


Benefits? Tools for change, habit formation, wiser decisions, ownership of excuses, understand thoughts and feelings, visualization, different perspectives, learn from mistakes ego check, social intelligence: understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses to them at the moment

Self-reflection, self-evaluation, mindfulness, emotion control, and perspective skills

Why? Self-Awareness is the secret quality of effective leaders. Without self-awareness, students are not able to reach their full potential.

“It is ok to ask for help.”


Benefits? Learn to leverage, save time, gain valuable/insider advice, be more efficient, build resourcefulness, less stress and anxiety, gain support, accountability, increase productivity

Textbooks, study guides, Google, teachers, parents, friends, counselors, tutors, academic coaches, editors, apps, software, libraries

Why? Successful students know when and when not to ask for help. They also understand how to leverage and find quality resources in order to complete tasks faster, receive better grades, and organize their time.

The Classroom


Our Location

32R Spring St. Medfield, MA 02052


The Peak Scholars’ Enrichment Learning Center is located at 32R Spring St. Medfield, Massachusetts next to Randy’s Auto on Route 27 in the heart of Medfield center. Our location is within walking distance of the local high school, middle school, public library, and the town center.

We are here to help

If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.