Application Deadline Organization Workshop

Organize and manage application requirements and deadlines the easy way


Overview: This 3 hour workshop helps students organize their application process by setting calendar reminders and using a grid system to keep track of requirements, deadlines, and contacts. We share insider tips and ticks from our former admissions counselors and teach students how to manage the entire application process efficiently.

Goal: Create an organized application deadline system

Types of Students: Highly recommended for students applying to college

Price: $60


Insider Advice
Application deadline grid system
What to look out for
Checklists to make sure everything is done on time
Calendar set up and reminders



Keeping track of application deadlines, requirements, contacts, FAFSA apps, and supplements is stressful. Requirements can easily slip by and information can get mixed up. Students constantly need to double check applications to make sure everything is submitted correctly. And there is nothing worse than scrambling last minute before deadline.

Organization is key to a stress free application process. Creating a system to keep track of everything not only brings students and parents piece of mind, it makes sure everything is submitted and double checked. Organize everything early and be sure to check off everything you have completed.