College List Workshop

Start your college search and find schools that best fit your needs


Overview: This 3 hour workshop helps students create a college list and gain a clearer picture on what it is they should look for in a school. We talk colleges, tuitions, locations, majors, academic requirements, and much more. Our former admission’s counselors and college students share valuable tips and tricks to make sure no time is wasted searching. The curriculum discusses how to narrow down colleges, identify personal interests and needs, and how to find out if that school is a good fit.

Goal: Make a personalized list of potential schools that fit you

Types of Students: Recommended for any students planning to go to college

Price: $60

Insider advice from former Admission’s counselors and college students
College search orientation
College list orientation
Narrowing down college lists
Tricks and tips
What to look for
What college is really like


Looking for potential colleges is a daunting task, especially with so many options and details to consider. Factors come into play, such as tuition, location, internships, majors, program strength, atmosphere, and so on.

Students easily become overwhelmed and lost in the details, wasting large amounts of time searching for colleges that are not even good fits. On the other hand, some students skip the process entirely and choose colleges that they know everyone is applying to, limiting many opportunities and scholarships.

Be sure you figure out your college needs before you start searching.